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No commits in common. "23eac2f9a57d1c99d81024fc4b3dd68bf0439e35" and "52a0702c7e1df93aec3eb043b6480e5336cffbb1" have entirely different histories.

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@ -357,14 +357,12 @@ myKeys = [
, ((controlMask .|. shiftMask, xK_4), unGrab >> spawn "scrot --exec 'mkdir -p ~/Desktop && mv $f ~/Desktop' --select && paplay ~/wav/camera.wav") , ((controlMask .|. shiftMask, xK_4), unGrab >> spawn "scrot --exec 'mkdir -p ~/Desktop && mv $f ~/Desktop' --select && paplay ~/wav/camera.wav")
-- windows (viewOnScreen 1 "ws") -- windows (viewOnScreen 1 "ws")
-- ifWindows (resource =? "altUrxvt") (mapM_ focus) (spawnHere altTerminal)) -- ifWindows (resource =? "altUrxvt") (mapM_ focus) (spawnHere altTerminal))
, ((lAlt, xK_v), do , ((winKey .|. shiftMask, xK_v), do
spawn "clipmenu && xdotool key Ctrl+v") windows (viewOnScreen 1 "virtualbox")
--, ((winKey .|. shiftMask, xK_v), do ifWindows (className =? "Gvim") (mapM_ focus) (spawnHere "gvim"))
-- windows (viewOnScreen 1 "virtualbox") , ((winKey , xK_v), do
-- ifWindows (className =? "Gvim") (mapM_ focus) (spawnHere "gvim")) windows (viewOnScreen 1 "timetracker")
--, ((winKey , xK_v), do ifWindows (title =? "osmium:timetracker") (mapM_ focus) (spawnHere "urxvtc -cd ~/timetracker -e 'tmux attach -t timetracker || tmux -2 new-session -s timetracker'"))
-- windows (viewOnScreen 1 "timetracker")
-- ifWindows (title =? "osmium:timetracker") (mapM_ focus) (spawnHere "urxvtc -cd ~/timetracker -e 'tmux attach -t timetracker || tmux -2 new-session -s timetracker'"))
--, ((lAlt , xK_v), spawnHere "xfce4-popup-clipman") --, ((lAlt , xK_v), spawnHere "xfce4-popup-clipman")
--, ((winKey , xK_x), windowPromptGoto dXPConfig) --, ((winKey , xK_x), windowPromptGoto dXPConfig)
, ((winKey .|. shiftMask, xK_x), windowPromptBring dXPConfig) , ((winKey .|. shiftMask, xK_x), windowPromptBring dXPConfig)