# CONFIGURE Included in this project are a number of systemd units: * psi-monitor.service * uses psi-monitor executable (in /usr/bin/) * psi-alerts@.service (system template service) * uses psi-alerts.sh script The `psi-alerts.sh` is essentially a daemon (a systemd simple service), and for now the systemd template needs to be instantiated with the username that will execute `psi-alerts.sh`. Also, a systemd unit override should be created, like so: ``` sudo systemctl edit psi-alerts@.service ``` This will open an editor, and in later versions of systemd the comment code will be included, clearly showing where the override should be entered: ``` ### Editing /etc/systemd/system/psi-alerts@trey.service.d/override.conf ### Anything between here and the comment below will become the contents of the drop-in file [Service] Environment=EMAIL_TO="email@domain.tld" Environment=SMS_DST="phone_number@sms.domain.tld" Environment=NOTIFICATION_CMD="dunstify" Environment=NOTIFICATION_OPTS="--timeout=0 --printid --urgency=critical --icon=/usr/share/icons/breeze-dark/emblems/16/emblem-warning.svg" Environment=NOTIFICATION_IDX=15 Environment=SSH_USER="username" Environment=SSH_HOST="localhost" Environment=SSH_PORT=5999 Environment=SSH_ID_PATH="~trey/.ssh/psi-alerts" Environment=CLEAR_THRESHOLD="5.0" ### Edits below this comment will be discarded ### /etc/systemd/system/psi-alerts@.service # [Unit] # Description=Pressure Stall Information (PSI) alerts # PartOf=multi-user.target # After=psi-monitor.service # # [Service] # User=%i # Type=simple # ExecStart=psi-alerts.sh # # [Install] # WantedBy=multi-user.target ```