66 lines
2.6 KiB
66 lines
2.6 KiB
" Vim color file
" Maintainer: Mike Williams <mrw@eandem.co.uk>
" Last Change: 2nd June 2003
" Version: 1.1
" Remove all existing highlighting.
set background=light
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "print_bw"
highlight Normal cterm=NONE ctermfg=black ctermbg=white gui=NONE guifg=black guibg=white
highlight NonText ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
highlight LineNr cterm=italic ctermfg=black ctermbg=white gui=italic guifg=black guibg=white
" Syntax highlighting scheme
highlight Comment cterm=italic ctermfg=black ctermbg=white gui=italic guifg=black guibg=white
highlight Constant ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
highlight String ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
highlight Character ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
highlight Number ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
" Boolean defaults to Constant
highlight Float ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
highlight Identifier ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
highlight Function ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
highlight Statement ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
highlight Conditional ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
highlight Repeat ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
highlight Label ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
highlight Operator ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
" Keyword defaults to Statement
" Exception defaults to Statement
highlight PreProc cterm=bold ctermfg=black ctermbg=white gui=bold guifg=black guibg=white
" Include defaults to PreProc
" Define defaults to PreProc
" Macro defaults to PreProc
" PreCondit defaults to PreProc
highlight Type cterm=bold ctermfg=black ctermbg=white gui=bold guifg=black guibg=white
" StorageClass defaults to Type
" Structure defaults to Type
" Typedef defaults to Type
highlight Special cterm=italic ctermfg=black ctermbg=white gui=italic guifg=black guibg=white
" SpecialChar defaults to Special
" Tag defaults to Special
" Delimiter defaults to Special
highlight SpecialComment cterm=italic ctermfg=black ctermbg=white gui=italic guifg=black guibg=white
" Debug defaults to Special
highlight Todo cterm=italic,bold ctermfg=black ctermbg=white gui=italic,bold guifg=black guibg=white
" Ideally, the bg color would be white but VIM cannot print white on black!
highlight Error cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=black ctermbg=grey gui=bold,reverse guifg=black guibg=grey
" vim:et:ff=unix:tw=0:ts=4:sw=4
" EOF print_bw.vim