102 lines
3.1 KiB
Executable File
102 lines
3.1 KiB
Executable File
" Vim color File
" Name: biogoo
" Maintainer: Benjamin Esham <bdesham@gmail.com>
" Last Change: 2011-02-28
" Version: 1.6.2
" Website: https://github.com/bdesham/biogoo
" A color scheme for Vim with colorful text on a light gray background.
" Installation:
" Copy to ~/.vim/colors; do :color biogoo
" Customization Options:
" Use a 'normal' cursor color:
" let g:biogoo_normal_cursor = 1
" For a full README and version history, see the website given above.
set background=light
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "biogoo"
hi Comment guifg=#0000c3
hi ColorColumn guibg=#e0e0e0
hi Constant guifg=#0000ff
hi CursorColumn guibg=#ffffff
hi CursorLine guibg=#ffffff
hi Delimiter guifg=#00007f
hi DiffAdd guifg=#007f00 guibg=#e5e5e5
hi DiffChange guifg=#00007f guibg=#e5e5e5
hi DiffDelete guifg=#7f0000 guibg=#e5e5e5
hi DiffText guifg=#ee0000 guibg=#e5e5e5
hi Directory guifg=#b85d00
hi Error guifg=#d6d6d6 guibg=#7f0000
hi ErrorMsg guifg=#ffffff guibg=#ff0000 gui=bold
hi Float guifg=#b85d00
hi FoldColumn guifg=#00007f guibg=#e5e5e5
hi Folded guifg=#00007f guibg=#e5e5e5
hi Function guifg=#7f0000
hi Identifier guifg=#004000
hi Include guifg=#295498 gui=bold
hi IncSearch guifg=#ffffff guibg=#0000ff gui=bold
hi LineNr guifg=#303030 guibg=#e5e5e5 gui=underline
hi Keyword guifg=#00007f
hi Macro guifg=#295498
hi MatchParen guifg=#ffffff guibg=#00a000
hi ModeMsg guifg=#00007f
hi MoreMsg guifg=#00007f
hi NonText guifg=#007f00
hi Normal guifg=#000000 guibg=#d6d6d6
hi Number guifg=#b85d00
hi Operator guifg=#00007f
hi Pmenu guifg=#000000 guibg=#cc9999
hi PmenuSel guifg=#ffffff guibg=#993333
hi PmenuSbar guibg=#99cc99
hi PmenuThumb guifg=#339933
hi PreCondit guifg=#295498 gui=bold
hi PreProc guifg=#0c3b6b gui=bold
hi Question guifg=#00007f
hi Search guibg=#ffff00
hi Special guifg=#007f00
hi SpecialKey guifg=#00007f
hi SpellBad guifg=#7f0000 guibg=#f0f0f0 gui=undercurl guisp=#7f0000
hi SpellCap guifg=#7f007f guibg=#f0f0f0 gui=undercurl guisp=#7f007f
hi SpellLocal guifg=#007f7f guibg=#f0f0f0 gui=undercurl guisp=#007f7f
hi SpellRare guifg=#b85d00 guibg=#f0f0f0 gui=undercurl guisp=#b85d00
hi Statement guifg=#00007f gui=none
hi StatusLine guifg=#00007f guibg=#ffffff
hi StatusLineNC guifg=#676767 guibg=#ffffff
hi String guifg=#d10000
hi TabLine guifg=#222222 guibg=#d6d6d6
hi TabLineFill guifg=#d6d6d6
hi TabLineSel guifg=#00007f guibg=#eeeeee gui=bold
hi Title guifg=#404040 gui=bold
hi Todo guifg=#00007f guibg=#e5e5e5 gui=underline
hi Type guifg=#540054 gui=bold
hi Underlined guifg=#b85d00
hi VertSplit guifg=#676767 guibg=#ffffff
if version < 700
hi Visual guifg=#7f7f7f guibg=#ffffff
hi Visual guifg=#ffffff guibg=#7f7f7f
hi VisualNOS guifg=#007f00 guibg=#e5e5e5
hi WarningMsg guifg=#500000
hi WildMenu guifg=#540054
" Non-standard highlighting (e.g. for plugins)
" vimspell
hi SpellErrors guibg=#f0f0f0 guifg=#7f0000 gui=undercurl guisp=#7f0000
if !exists("g:biogoo_normal_cursor")
" use a gray-on-blue cursor
hi Cursor guifg=#ffffff guibg=#00007f
" vim:noet:ts=4 tw=80 cc=+1