Simplified xmonad invocation, removed kofc workspace, slight formatting update

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Trey Blancher 2022-08-26 22:52:07 -04:00
parent 080c5b71f6
commit 2434602233
1 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -289,8 +289,8 @@ main = do sc <- IS.countScreens
dzenSodiumBar <- spawnPipe (getSodiumBar sc)
dzenTennessineBar <- spawnPipe (getTennessineBar sc)
dzenBlancherBar <- spawnPipe (getBlancherBar sc)
xmonad $ docks $ ewmh $ desktopConfig {
workspaces = ["shell","qb","pindrop","kofc","VM"]
xmonad $ desktopConfig {
workspaces = ["shell","qb","pindrop","VM"]
, terminal = myTerminal
, focusFollowsMouse = True
, manageHook = manageDocks <+> myManageHook -- <+> manageHook desktopConfig